7th January 2020
Wellington, New Zealand

Writing in The Guardian, Laura explains how the UK and Māori of Aotearoa New Zealand are looking to the past to build stronger relationships for the future. The connections between the UK and New Zealand are such that we feel instantly at home in each other’s countries, sipping a flat white or an English Breakfast tea. […]
Read more on Here’s why the UK wants to strengthen its relationship with New Zealand Māori | Reply (2)
10th July 2018
Wellington, New Zealand

Arsene Wenger once said that to be a football manager is to live on a volcano. The difference between adulation and castigation is paper-thin, and turns as much on luck as on skill… And yet. There is something about Gareth Southgate. 50 years of hurt can do funny things to a country, but the love that Southgate enjoys right […]
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10th April 2018
Wellington, New Zealand

Henderson Island is one of the most remote islands in the world. Uninhabited, and largely untouched, it was recently found to have the highest density of plastics pollution anywhere in the world. So what has happened, and what can we do about it? Henderson is one of four Pitcairn Islands and lies bang in the […]
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23rd January 2018
Wellington, New Zealand
The connections between the UK and New Zealand are many and strong. It is a friendship built on a shared history, on family, sporting and cultural links, and on the rich exchange of goods and ideas. We have a similar sense of humour, a similar spirit of adventure, similar tastes. You drink our Scotch; we […]
Read more on The UK and New Zealand: Old Friends, New Prospects | Reply (1)