Guidelines for commenting

We want readers to learn something when they read posts, and to be able to take part in a constructive debate about the subject matter. This relies on everyone being polite and adhering to our guidelines. Before you post a comment think about whether your contribution is on topic and whether it adds constructive value to the discussion?

Your comments should:

  • be constructive and concise
  • relate to the topic of the post
  • be respectful of others who use this site

We will not approve comments that:

  • are off the subject matter of the post
  • use language that is offensive, inflammatory or provocative
  • break the law (including libel, condoning illegal activity and contempt of court) or contain any personal contact information
  • include party political messages (this site is paid for with public money so it’s inappropriate to engage in party-political activity) or promote/endorse any product, service or publication not relevant to the discussion


We review all the comments on this site before they are published. Usually we do this within 1 working day, but we can’t always guarantee this.

If your contribution is on topic and whether it adds constructive value to the discussion, we’ll approve your comment and will consider responding publicly.

If you comment more than 4 weeks after a post is published, your comment may not be published, to ensure discussion is current.